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Chinese Man Dies After Working 104 Days Straight, Succumbing to Organ Failure with Just One Day Off

Chinese Man Dies After Working 104 Days

In a heart-wrenching incident from Zhou Shan city in Zhejiang province, China, a man named Abao worked himself to death after laboring continuously for 104 days without a single day off. This tragedy underscores the severe consequences of overwork and the often overlooked human cost of relentless labor.

Abao’s Grueling Work Schedule

In January of this year, Abao agreed to take on a project in Zhou Shan with an incredibly demanding schedule. From February to May, he worked non-stop, only taking a single day off on May 25th when he fell ill. Despite this brief respite, his condition rapidly deteriorated, leading his coworkers to rush him to the hospital three days later. Unfortunately, the medical treatment proved too late.

The Toll of Unrelenting Work

Doctors discovered that Abao’s lungs were severely infected, making it difficult for him to breathe. The prolonged work without adequate rest had taken a heavy toll on his health, leading to a fatal lack of oxygen in his body. The continuous work schedule left him no time for recovery, directly contributing to his untimely death.

Family Seeks Justice

Following Abao’s death, his family sued his employer for gross negligence. They argued that Abao’s non-stop work schedule and lack of rest played a crucial role in his demise. Social security officials controversially ruled that his death was not directly linked to his work schedule. However, Abao’s family contended that the excessive work and insufficient rest were key factors in his death.

Employer’s Defense and Legal Outcome

The company defended itself by claiming that Abao’s workload was manageable and that he had appropriate rest periods he could have utilized. They suggested that his condition was due to a pre-existing medical issue. Nonetheless, the court ruled in favor of Abao’s family, holding the company 20% responsible for his death due to a violation of labor laws that prohibit working beyond 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week.

Court Ruling and Compensation

The court awarded Abao’s family 400,000 yuan (approximately 47,19,000 Indian Rupees), including 10,000 yuan for emotional distress. Despite the company’s appeal, the court upheld the original verdict in August, marking a significant step towards addressing the issue of excessive work in China.

This case highlights the critical need for enforcing labor laws and ensuring worker safety to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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